tag supports embedding of streaming (m3u8) and non-streaming (mp4, mov) videos.
- Url: The full Url of the video resource, unless the video is on the server in which case a relative Url is fine.
- VideoClass: used to apply classes directly to the video player when used in streaming mode.
Usage Notes
In streaming mode there are some classes available to help manage the video size, see video layout notes. Common options are:
For Aspect: vjs-fluid, vjs-16-9, vjs-4-3, vjs-9-16 and vjs-1-1
For Fill: vjs-fill
Add the class name into the VideoClass attribute noted above.
TODO more notes
Non-Streaming Example
<dcm.VideoWidget Url="https://storage.googleapis.com/gtv-videos-bucket/sample/ForBiggerJoyrides.mp4" />
Streaming Example
<dcm.VideoWidget Url="https://cdn.designcraftadvertising.com/prod-3/fps/videos/3ShakerSysProductTest.hls/3ShakerSysProductTest.m3u8" VideoClass="vjs-fluid" />
See Also