
The <dcf.Form> tag inserts a form onto a page.


  • AlwaysNew: TODO
  • RecordOrder: TODO

Children Tags and Attributes


Defines a section of the form

  • Title: Display Title for the section


  • placeholder: greyed out text displayed in input box
  • Name: assigned variable to input for later reference
  • Required: Boolean value that determines whether submitting can process when value is blank
  • Label: text displayed before input box



Usage Notes

Save Record: special function to run with submit button is clicked

<Function Name="SaveRecord" Params="e"> var page = this; let x = e.Data x.UUID = "" e.Wait = true dc.comm.call('flwServices.Tracking.Transform', x , function(resp) { if (resp.Code > 0) { dc.pui.Popup.alert(resp.Message); } else { dc.pui.Popup.alert(resp.Result.SiteMark); } }); </Function>

LoadRecord: can reference variables for form on page load

<Function Name="LoadRecord" Params="e"> var page = this; e.Data.First = "Test" e.Data.Last = "Person" e.Data.Email = "email@email.com" </Function>


<dc.SimpleLayout Pad="Large"> <h1>PatientRegistration</h1> <br /> <dc.Callout id="instructions"> <h2>Instructions</h2> <p>Complete the secure online registration form below.</p> </dc.Callout> <dcf.Form AlwaysNew="true" RecordOrder="Registration,Payee,MedicalOne,MedicalTwo,DentalOne,DentalTwo,EmergencyContact,History,Certification,Access,Pandemic,Default"> <dc.Panel id="panSummary" Title="Patient Registration" class="option-panel"> <dcf.MultiText Label="Legal Name"> <Input placeholder="First" Name="PatientFirst" Required="true" maxlength="22" Size="40" /> <Input placeholder="Last" Name="PatientLast" Required="true" maxlength="22" Size="40" /> <Input placeholder="MI" Name="PatientMI" maxlength="2" Record="Registration" Size="10" /> </dcf.MultiText> </dc.Panel> [...] <dc.Panel id="panSubmit" Title="Submit Forms" class="option-panel"> <p>Once all the above forms have been completed as necessary, please submit them all using this button.</p> <dcf.FormButtons> <dcf.SubmitCaptchaButton Action="submit_registration" Label="Submit" /> </dcf.FormButtons> </dc.Panel> </dcf.Form> </dc.SimpleLayout> ``` xml <dcf.Form> <dc.Panel id="contactInput" Title="Contact Information" class="option-panel"> <dcf.Text Label="First Name" placeholder="First Name" Name="First" Required="true" /> <dcf.Text Label="Last Name" placeholder="Last Name" Name="Last" Required="true" /> <dcf.Text Label="Email Address" placeholder="Email Address" Name="Email" DataType="dcEmail" Required="true"/> <dcf.FormButtons> <dcf.SubmitButton Label="Submit" /> </dcf.FormButtons> </dc.Panel> </dcf.Form>