Screen Reader Quick Start Guide

The following table lists commonly used screen reader software and most frequently used commands with these programs. Please note that some commands don't have perfect analogs, as the design philosophy behind all of these programs can differ greatly.

Note: Most screen readers use a modifier key along side other keys to perform functions. Listed below is the default modifier key or keys for each program. Some programs have the ability to remap the modifier key or keys. The modifier key is referenced as 'Mod' on the table. For example, the default keys pressed for accessing the main menu in VoiceOver is the combination of Option, Control, Command and Shift.

Program Narrator NVDA VoiceOver TalkBack
Platform Windows Windows MacOS Android
Modifer Key Insert Key Insert Key Option + Control N/A
Main Menu Windows Key + Ctrl + N N/A Mod + Shift + Command Tap with three fingers
Turn on/off Windows + Ctrl + Enter On: Ctrl + Alt + N, Off: Insert + Q Command + touch ID 3 times Hold both volume keys
Select next Tab Tab Mod + Right Arrow Swipe right
Select previous Shift + Tab Shift + Tab Mod + Left Arrow Swipe left
Interact Enter Enter Mod + Spacebar Double tap
Enter inner element N/A Arrow Keys Mod + Shift + Down Arrow N/A
Exit inner element N/A Arrow Keys Mod + Shift + Up Arrow N/A