Go-Live Report

The Go-Live report provides a checklist and helpful hints about the go-live process. Typically this report would be run near the end of the development cycle, as the website neared the milestone for going live to the public.

There are two main ways to utilize this report. One would be to run it locally on your development server, which is especially helpful for checking things like missing page properties or missing managed forms. The other way would be to use the report on the live preview site. Because this report persists you can share the report with others and multiple people can collaborate on the check list. Note that remarks can be added to the list to ease communication between developers. Finally, note that the Go-Live report remains after go live and may be useful to review later if at some point something is found to be missing the notes in the report might illuminate why.

A good way to start is to watch the intro video . From the CMS main menu select System, then the Go Live Report tab. Open the existing report if any, or Start New Report. Only one report is available at a time, starting a new replaces the old and may be considered as a reset if the current report is messy.

Once in the report there are a few tabs, each which presents a list of tasks to check off. The Feeds tab is the most complex, for it lists each Feed individually but requires that you generate a report for each by clicking a button. Once generated you can then view the sub-report (checklist) for that Feed.

Each item on the checklist can be marked Approved when completed. There is also the ability to add a Note, and there is an expandable “help” link for most of the items.

If appropriate for your agency policies there are levels of approval for the report. Your go-live team has an option to mark each tab as Approved when completed. This then shows on the report's main tab in the summary of the report. Once all sections are Approved then the entire report may be marked approved. While it is not functionally necessary to mark the tabs as Approved, it may help with the workflow of going live - especially if more than one agency team member is involved in the project. Also it may be your agency's policy to always mark the report completely Approved before going live.