
For Each Loop

For Each loops are able to iterate over a List variable. In this example, a list named TestVar1 is looped over and each element is outputed to the console:

<dcs.Var Name="TestVar1" Type="List"> <AddItem Type="String" Value="car" /> <AddItem Type="String" Value="sun" /> <AddItem Type="String" Value="lime" /> </dcs.Var> <dcs.ForEach Name="Item" In="$TestVar1"> <dc.Out>Got: {$Item}<br/></dc.Out> </dcs.ForEach>


Got: car Got: sun Got: lime

We can also reference the index position of an item in the list with _forindex . See the slightly revised previous example below:

<dcs.Var Name="TestVar1" Type="List"> <AddItem Type="String" Value="car" /> <AddItem Type="String" Value="sun" /> <AddItem Type="String" Value="lime" /> </dcs.Var> <dcs.ForEach Name="Item" In="$TestVar1"> <dc.Out>Got: {$Item} from pos: {$_forindex}<br/></dc.Out> </dcs.ForEach>


Got: car from pos: 0 Got: sun from pos: 1 Got: lime from pos: 2

For Loop

This loop will iterate over an internal counter to produce a fixed number of cycles. In the example below, a counter is set at 5 initially and will run to 11.

<dcs.For Name="Counter" From="5" To="11"> <dc.Out>Got: {$Counter}<br/></dc.Out> </dcs.For>


Got: 5 Got: 6 Got: 7 Got: 8 Got: 9 Got: 10 Got: 11

The default increment increase is 1, but this can be overriden with the Step parameter:

<dcs.For Name="Counter" From="5" To="11" Step="2"> <dc.Out>Got: {$Counter}<br/></dc.Out> </dcs.For>


Got: 5 Got: 7 Got: 9 Got: 11

A negative Step can be set to iterate backwards if desired:

<dcs.For Name="Counter" From="12" To="3" Step="-3"> <dc.Out>Got: {$Counter}<br/></dc.Out> </dcs.For>


Got: 12 Got: 9 Got: 6 Got: 3

UNFINISHED: unclear how _forindex functions within For loop, as there's no index position from a list to reference

While Loops

These loops will run while the Target remains true in the expression defined in the top line. In the below example, TestVar1 is set to 4 initially, and the While loop runs as long as TestVar1 is greater than 1.

<dcs.Var Name="TestVar1" Type="Integer" SetTo="4" /> <dcs.While Target="$TestVar1" GreaterThan="1"> <dc.Out>TestVar1 is {$TestVar1}<br/></dc.Out> <dcs.With Target="$TestVar1"> <Dec /> </dcs.With> </dcs.While>


TestVar1 is 4 TestVar1 is 3 TestVar1 is 2

Until Loops

This can be seen as an inverse to the While loop: the loop will continue to run until the expression defined in the first line returns true. In this example, TestVar1 is set to 8 initially, and the Until loop runs until TestVar1 is less than 5.

<dcs.Var Name="TestVar1" Type="Integer" SetTo="8" /> <dcs.Until Target="$TestVar1" LessThan="5"> <dc.Out>TestVar1 is {$TestVar1}<br/></dc.Out> <dcs.With Target="$TestVar1"> <Dec /> </dcs.With> </dcs.Until>


TestVar1 is 8 TestVar1 is 7 TestVar1 is 6 TestVar1 is 5

Continue Keyword

The Continue keyword will skip the current iteration of the loop. It is usually combined with an If conditional statement to detect appropriate logical conditions to skip.

In the example below, the numbers between 5 and 18 are outputted, skipping over 7 through 11.

<dcs.For Name="Counter" From="5" To="18"> <dcs.If Target="$Counter" GreaterThanOrEqual="7"> <dcs.If Target="$Counter" LessThanOrEqual="11"> <dcs.Continue /> </dcs.If> </dcs.If> <dc.Out>Got: {$Counter}<br/></dc.Out> </dcs.For>


Got: 5 Got: 6 Got: 12 Got: 13 Got: 14 Got: 15 Got: 16 Got: 17 Got: 18

Break Keyword

The Break keyword will exit the entire loop and again is usually combined with an If statement to detect the proper condition.

The below example iterates over the numbers between 5 and 18 and outputs them, until it detects 12.

<dcs.For Name="Counter" From="5" To="18"> <dcs.If Target="$Counter" GreaterThanOrEqual="12"> <dcs.Break /> </dcs.If> <dc.Out>Got: {$Counter}<br/></dc.Out> </dcs.For>


Got: 5 Got: 6 Got: 7 Got: 8 Got: 9 Got: 10 Got: 11